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It reminds us of our utter dependence on Jesus. Perhaps now more than any other time in history, we need this reminder in our homes. Maria, you might want to check out Andrew Womack Ministries online.
Please keep me in your prayers, that I can just SIT, and wait on God. I do attend a church, however, consider myself non-denominational as I don’t feel doctrines are God given — and prefer to pray and repent through the Lord and his Commandments. Reading through the comments, I am also reassured, seeing that people are getting healing and progress is just evidence of the power of communion. Thank you for re-posting this article. I have been taking HOLY COMMUNION every day and believe me.
Subscribe to Christianity Today and get access to this article plus 65+ years of archives.
” Paul distinguished between private meals, even fellowship meals and common meals and the Supper. It seems to me that by only allowing ordained ministers to administer the Sacraments we are excluding small Christian communities around the world from ever being able to legitimately partake. Certainly we would want Christians in a small Nepali village with no ordained minister to be able to receive the Eucharist and baptism. Dr. Clark, I greatly appreciate your work and this article has been helpful as I think through how our church should worship during this time. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
Never mind 1990s HTML wonders like eHolyCom. John Dyer offers a recent and extensive John Dyer offers a recent and extensive survey. The controversy is with the latter half of Word and Table.
Some are worried, anxious, and hopeless. We have peace that surpasses all understanding because we know what Jesus did on the cross. Thank you for your honest response.

We hope you take communion at home soon. Remembering what Jesus did while taking communion can feel like a somber moment, and that’s okay. But don’t forget, this is an incredible reason to celebrate. Ask some people in your group to come ready to share a story of something that Jesus has restored in their life. Encourage your group to not just experience the symbol of communion but to live in its truth.
Yes, Home Communion Is Acceptable During Coronavirus
Maria, the book is called Gods creative power for healing. Thanks for giving us to step by step prayer and preparing before taking Communion. I have my Communion cups at home. And in the name of Jesus, I loose God’s holy protection over me, my family and loved ones, and everything that pertains to us. I decree that my family and I and everything that pertains to us are hidden in the secret place of the Most High, for we dwell under the shadow of God’s wings. I ask You, Holy Spirit, to cover me and my family and everything that pertains to us.
One powerful tool that is often overlooked by Christians is the taking of Communion. As the early church participated in communion, I encourage you to make this part of your own personal spiritual practice. Taking communion at home can be a beautiful way to remember all Christ has done for you. This principle, that every believer is a minister of God, is called “the priesthood of all believers” by theologians. It is the idea that as a follower of Jesus, we are all called to serve God and are responsible as his children to read and observe the teachings of Scripture.
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The apostolic company had apostolic authority. The Apostle Peter put two to death or the Holy Spirit put two to death through the Apostle Peter. That’s not happening today nor should it. Have you been around unbelievers as they talk about death?
Equipping Churches Find free tools and resources created by Life.Church for churches around the world. Contact Us We love to hear from the great people who visit and attend Life.Church. The sacrament of communion is a meal shared by followers of Jesus regardless of denomination or any particular church affiliation. As such, those who are not yet followers of Jesus are welcome to observe and have the meaning of the meal explained but should not participate until such time as they decide to follow Jesus.
Your ministry is such a huge blessing to me. I was talking with a Catholic and he told me one of the powerful things they do that has kept them strong is take communion everyday. The most powerful communion I’ve ever experienced was with grapes and pretzels…. A group of us were traveling in a van, coming home from a Christian conference, when I became suddenly very ill.
Now I have found the remedy for my health.. So much empoweref God bless you abundantly with wisdom.. Yet the imagined video conference call—not so much imagined anymore—is an extension of known relationships of the local body. There is nothing inherently Gnostic—disembodied—here. And the real presence of the Triune God, on Zoom this weekend and joyfully gathered back together in person once this too has passed. Some “low church” nondenominational churches like Saddleback have long offered instructions to follow along with your own grape juice and livestream.
It does not take a priest to administer communion for these are extraordinary times. The Catholic and Orthodox Churches allow for the baptism of a dying person by a layperson. Rome isallowing for confession straight to God due to social distancing requirements.
This includes the power of Communion, too. I will like to take holy communion at home everyday. I love the way you presented how to take holy communion at home. I love Jamie, I pray for more anointing and his glory on you.
First, is it possible to take communion at home? Actually, when Jesus first modeled the spiritual tradition of communion, He did it in someone’s home. If you’re a Jesus follower, you can take communion just about anywhere. Have the leader or another participant to close in prayer. Or, as a group, recite the Lord’s prayer to close communion at home.
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